On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 3:53 AM Stefan Sperling <s...@elego.de> wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 07:59:07AM +0200, Branko Čibej wrote:
> > On 28.05.2020 07:40, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > > Someone could start a discussion with the announce@a.o moderators.  The
> > > escalation path, IIRC, is: announce-owner@, press@, VP M&P (= Sally),
> > > operations@, board@, members@.
> >
> > Did that about half an hour ago. Let's see what happens. If whoever
> > blocked the announcement doesn't respond on this list in a reasonable
> > time, then I suggest we send out the same announcement again and see
> > what happens (having fixed the link to KEYS first, I suppose).
> Extra effort on my part to re-send this really isn't justified.
> If the moderators do not even bother to respond, I would say we should
> drop the announce@a.o list from our template and not use it.

This situation is really irritating, but if it makes anyone feel
better, 1.14.0 did get announced on announce.a.o, in the form of a
Press Release:


Which, by the way, doesn't meet that list's high standard of KEYS file
naming, or whatever the nonsense excuse was for blocking our
announcement email.

I agree 100% that moderation is for blocking spam. Our announcement
email was a legitimate announcement from the legitimate release
manager of a legitimate ASF Top Level Project and as such is not spam.
It should not have been blocked.

Waiting to see if the announce moderator(s) respond to Brane's message.


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