On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 7:51 PM Private List Moderation <
mod-priv...@gsuite.cloud.apache.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 22:26, Erik Huelsmann <ehu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How can a link be more important than an announcement for a fix of an
>> *unauthenticated* remote DoS ?
> When I checked the download page, there were no links for versions 1.10.7
> or 1.14.1.
> i.e. the 2 announce mails were telling people to download versions that
> were not on the download page.
> As such, I felt I had to reject the announce email.
> It looks as though the page has since been updated.

That was a race condition.

As the issue is fixed, would you please allow the message through now? Do
we need to re-send it?

Thank you,
Nathan Hartman
V.P., Subversion

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