Karl Fogel wrote on Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:02:21 -0500:
> On 28 Jul 2021, Nathan Hartman wrote:
> > If you run 'svn up --set-depth=files' on a/b/c, as it works currently
> > d/e/f/g will be deleted. (Unless they contain modifications.) So there
> > has to be a way to make some depth elements sticky, or, alternatively,
> > there has to be a way to do depth arithmetic, e.g.:
> > 'svn up --set-depth+=files'

To be clear, that would set the depth to MAX(depth, svn_depth_files),
right?  I.e., comparable to chmod(1) with a symbolic mode argument,
whereas the existing --set-depth syntax is comparable to chmod(1) with
a numeric mode argument.

> Ah, I didn't realize that --depth=files would prune directories already
> checked out.  Either we'd have to change that default behavior, or add a new
> depth type... Or maybe the answer is just that '--depth=directories'
> automatically makes those directories sticky, so that other shallower depths
> don't prune them.

So svn_depth_directories would be sticky and other depths wouldn't be?
Off the cuff, can't say I like this.  "Special cases aren't special
enough to break the rules."

> > The following might be a separate feature request but it might be cool
> > if 'svn update --set-depth=...' could support the '--parents'
> > argument, at least when setting depth=files. Rationale: a user might
> > want to bring in all the files in g (in a/b/c/d/e/f/g) and all of g's
> > ancestors, but not g's siblings nor those of its ancestors. (This use
> > case comes up often in a project I work on; don't know whether anyone
> > else has a need for this use case.)
> > 
> > Food for thought...
> Yup.  I'm inclined to start with the simple case (sparse tree of all
> directories and only directories), and discuss other fancier things as
> separate features later.

That sounds like you'll do:

1. Identify a specific use-case
2. Design and implement it
3. Identify other related use-cases, design and implement them

I'd rather recommend:

A. Identify use-cases
B. Design something to address them
C. Implement support for at least one of the use-cases from (A) in a way
that builds towards implementing (B)

> This one would be a good one to discuss, though.
> It might be that the '--parents' behavior could be implied in most cases
> anyway, and thus wouldn't need an explicit '--parents' flag.



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