On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 12:54:49AM +0300, Alexandr Miloslavskiy wrote:
> On 22.11.2021 3:35, James McCoy wrote:
> > Yes, I just hit it as composing this email, although I hadn't in an
> > earlier 100x loop of the JavaHL suite.
> Could you please give more information? :)

I setup as you described in the previous email and ran the whole suite
in a loop.

$ (set -e; for i in $(seq 200); do echo iteration $i; java -Xcheck:jni ...; 

> Did you reproduce on x86-64?


> Were you running the entire suite?


> Did you run it from a loop?


> Any ideas the would help me to reproduce?

Not off-hand. :(  Maybe it's a race condition and increasing load on
your system while the tests are running will help?

Is there anything I can _add_ to my test runs to provide useful debug

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