On 12 Jan 2022, Julian Foad wrote:
No reason to upgrade an old WC until someone actually wants an optional pristine.

In principle, an what we ideally desire, agreed. Here I was just saying what this branch does as it is now, before being combined with the multi-wc-format work, which we're told is needed to accommodate what we desire. (I'll be looking into exactly what this means and whether avoiding WC database changes and using on-disk pristine presence alone is a feasible (perhaps even superior) alternative, as I mentioned.)

Gotcha -- understood.

Also, the point of this feature is not to remove pristines for all unmodified files. It's to make it possible for users to specific certain circumstances (generally involving large file size!) in which the pristine should be omitted *for certain files*.

Understood. That ability (to pick and choose which files it applies to, by some client-side config) will need to be added. I'll be looking into it.


Here's an example use case, in case it helps:

At our company, we have a separate repository for large binary assets, which we call our "bigdata" repository. However, not everything in that repository is a giant multi-gigabyte blob -- there are also some README files, etc. For those small files, one naturally wants the pristines, because 'svn diff' is useful locally on them. But generally no one wants pristines for the large binary blob files.

So if we have client-side configuration that can specify "no pristine" based on some combination of one or more of...

 - file size
 - repository of origin
 - path and/or basename
 - svn:mime-type property (if present)
 - some custom property

...then any developer will be able to get whatever behavior they need given their local storage constraints.

Different people may make different choices based on available local storage. A developer with a lot of local disk space might set her no-pristine size threshold to, say, 5 GB, and thus at least preserve 'svn revert' ability for those files (I don't think 'svn diff' would be useful for any of the files, though there might be exceptions even to that). Meanwhile, another developer with less disk space might choose 100 MB as the limit.

This is why I feel so strongly that the UI needs to be entirely client side -- only the client side has the information needed to make the appropriate decision.

By the way, I'll give some more details about our setup, since it involves a nice trick: our bigdata repository tree is a sparse mirror of our regular internal corporate repository tree, which is also in SVN because Subversion's path-based authz is so great when you have different clients / contractors / employees / partners all having access to different things. (Note that our source code is in public Git repositories -- it's all open source. The stuff I'm talking about here is not source code, though that doesn't matter for this discussion.)

Having the two SVN repositories be parallel means that we can use the same authn file and authz file for both :-). So if a person has access to customer Foo's area in the regular repository, then by default they also have access to the bigdata assets for Foo as well. (In the few cases where different access is needed, we just create an extra subdirectory and update the authz spec accordingly.)

Most people never need the binary assets, and so they don't pay those checkout or storage costs -- they never fetch from bigdata. But a few people *do* need access to the bigdata, and for some of it the checkout totals can run to hundreds of gigabytes, so avoiding pristines is not just a nice benefit but rather usually a necessity.

All this is just our use case, of course. I don't mean that it is more important than other use cases others may present. I just wanted to give some concreteness to the discussions. I hope others will post with
their scenarios.

Best regards,

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