Thanks all for sharing your gpg key hurdles. It saved me a lot of time
when I ran into the same issues while verifying Mark's signature :-).

1. Signature algorithm not recognized
-> updated my gpg to latest version (2.3.4)

2. keyserver problem when running 'gpg --refresh-keys'
-> put 'keyserver hkp://' into my
%APPDATA%/gnupg/gpg.conf like Julian did

3. Mark's key unknown
-> executed 'gpg --recv-key EC25FCC105618D04ADB43429C4416167349A3BCB' to get it

4. Signature verified OK, but Mark's key not trusted, which, as Nathan
also said, is normal because it hasn't been crossed-signed by anyone
in my "web of trust". Okay, it's in the KEYS file (i.e. part of the
Apache records for Mark's id). This is as good as we can do, so +1.


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