On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Bjartur Thorlacius
<svartma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If someone wants to write ugly code we can't stop him. But what's
> wrong with supporting handwritten HTML documentation?
> I'm not proposing using autogenerated HTML recursively populated with
> divs by JavaScript. The only argument in favor of roff is widespread
> deplayment of groff. That's not enough reason to reject HTML
> documentation, in special considering widespread deployment of HTML
> viewers.

Fuck "widespread deployment."  That's the worst possible metric for
making these decisions.  If you go by "widespread deployment" we
should just abandon all unix-like operating systems and buy Windows

I don't care if it's roff or whatever, all I want is a markup language
that can be easily processed by simple programs.  html is a morass of
bullshit hacks and workarounds to offset the fact that it's a shitty,
poorly-designed markup language.  We'd be better off with POD or such
than html.  Ideally we'd want a nice, regular language that can be
parsed with simple regular expressions.

# Kurt H Maier

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