
I am just answering Anselm, but try to answer the open questions
of the other postings too.

Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> Another remark:
> On 7 November 2011 20:21, Christoph Lohmann <> wrote:
>> reading [0] got me into thinking, if we need some plain new
>> terminology to make suckless more usable for the press. Suck-
>> less by now is just a repository of tools or a philosophy.
>> This does not sell. Instead a whole environment could be pro-
>> moted, which is usable across platforms.
> We shouldn't become the next Apple or similar sophists.
> We shouldn't focus on selling stuff, we should rather focus on
> usability like in the past.

It is not about adding something real. Suckless should stay as-is,
but clarify (as done in this thread) its ideals – as you try to, too.
Such rules then can be used to define what »suckless« really is.
But the question is, if »suckless« is the environment or a new
»suckless desktop environment« term is needed to subsume only the
desktop part of suckless?

But yes, the users we want in suckless should be sophisticated
enough to find this out on their own. We are taking the subset of
users from the Ubuntu[0]-educated crowd and filter them for the
real suckless users, that could spread our ideas. If someone fails
to adapt, then they can still fall back to Ubuntu and use just
some of the suckless tools.

Are there enough hints spread everywhere, so the right users will
get our true words of wisdom?

To get back to the what stanio said: Are we[1] dying out, are we
growing or do we simply not care?


Christoph Lohmann

[0] Ubuntu seen as representative for entry-distributions to the
    Unix world.
[1] »suckless people« or in a wider sense the people that care
    for a more fanatical adaption of the Unix philosophy

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