While I agree that a collection of suckless tools under one roof
wouldbe pretty awesome (especially something like sta.li or witch
linux), I'mnot sure that marketing as a desktop environment is the
right thing to do.
I'm part of a small project called tudor[0] that aims to replicate a
DE experience without all of the overhead (honestly, it works a lot
likelxde without tools aimed at use solely with lxde). However, we're
finding that the idea of a 'desktop environment' is tainted - people
see it as a monolithic entity that precludes use of any software not
shippedwith the desktop environment itself (or 'compatible' software -
an ideaI find simply absurd). Point being: if we're going to ship
somethingpackaged together, we need to find a different way to say
'desktopenvironment'. The term carries a lot of weight.
[0]: https://bitbucket.org/darvid/tudor/wiki/Home

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