On 2012-01-28 14:22, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
> When I think of it, I can't but wonder if we could write a program
> that does tagging and tagging only, and a selection of separate
> layout managers that automatically tile or maximize mapped windows.
> Interoperability with (other) no-wm tools would be an ultimate win.

An script with xdotool might suffice since it can map/unmap, resize.
cf. the following script for map/unmap based on wm name:


[[ ! -e $tf ]] && {
        xdotool search $wm_name windowunmap
        touch $tf
        exit 0

xdotool search $wm_name windowmap
xdotool search $wm_name windowraise
xdotool search $wm_name windowsize 100% 100%  windowmove 0 0
rm $tf

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