On Sat, 1 Jul 2017 19:51:59 -0400
Rendov Norra <tsobf...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Rendov,

> Are there any XOrg implementations that aren't a pain to compile?

like most legacy codebases, you end up with a difficult to compile
chunk. Others might give you more insight in what to choose.

> I've heard people complain about wayland but I haven't heard any good
> reason as to why it's actually bad, so I'm considering just going with
> that if it's less of a pain.

Wayland in itself actually is a very nice protocol. However, you cannot
do much with it alone, as the compositor and everything on top (input
handling, clipboard, keyboard-layouts, ...) have to be done by hand.

There is a reference implementation called Weston, but it contains
everything but the kitchen sink and has "module support". Now, every
time someone wants to make a new Wayland compositor, people tell them
to just write a Weston plugin, which is a very sucky way of approaching
A clean-slate implementation of dwm would approximately require around
6-8k SLOC for all the kitchen-sinking. There are some nice libraries
provided by the wayland project, like libinput, however, the general
ecosystem is very very scattered, especially with regard to what one or
the other compositor supports.

I like to compare it to the web actually. Wayland is just the HTTP
protocol so to say, allowing communication between server and client.
The website itself though is left as a liberty to the developer, with
all problems attached. One might just implement it nicely, minimally,
or make a big chunk of Javascript and other dynamic stuff.
But while you can make very simple websites with relatively little
HTML, you can imagine that even making a very simple compositor for
Wayland requires you to pump out of a lot of kitchen-sink code.

The fundamental problem is that the Wayland-developers just didn't have
the 99% in mind and instead tried to make the protocol as general as
possible. The way they did Wayland was kind of nice, but even it lacks
some modern ideas which should've been implemented now that the entire
windowing system is revamped anyway, and here I'm talking about
color management, accessibility aspects and many other important things.
If you depend on the reference implementation to get even trivial things
done, there's something wrong. And if Wayland matures and people ask
for these extra things like color management and the like, we will
again have 10 different interfaces to do it, separately for every
compositor there is.

Compartimentalization is the biggest problem we face in OSS today.
Wayland had the chance with a clean-table-approach to really make
something great which unifies the Unix desktop in some way. Given there
hasn't been much movement in this space in the last few years (I'd
expect much more given how many problem X makes), I think X will stay
with us for many more years.

Tl,DR: Wayland is not the problem, but the fact that the Wayland
developers were not brave enough to standardize some things built on
top of it.

With best regards

Laslo Hunhold

Laslo Hunhold <d...@frign.de>

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