Patching software to work with musl libc (and sending patches
upstream) improves overall software.
Not that much is needed. Most programs work out of the box with musl.

There was a talk about this a few months ago.

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 4:57 PM, robin <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 01:13:21AM +0000, wrote:
>> I did check alpine package web browsers: it's full of libgcc_s deps.
>> You can forget alpine as a no libgcc_s distro. At least, they do maintain the
>> patches required in order to compile many software packages with the musl
>> libc.
> Patching the shit out of everything...
> I don't like this. It seems like a hassle and it only treats symptoms
> while the cause is still poisoning the forest.
> I'd rather live in shit-world until a proper solution exist.

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