On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 05:38:51PM -0500, Robert Winkler wrote:
> On Tue Apr 26, 2022 at 4:21 PM CDT, Κράκ Άουτ wrote:
> > Στις 26 Απρ 2022 23:59, ο/η Robert Winkler έγραψε:
> > > To make a long story short: The input of UTF-8 characters with st needs
> > > an IBus daemon (standard on Gnome, but not on other window managers such
> > > as Plasma, dwm, ..).
> > >
> > > I added to ~/.config/autostart:
> > >
> > > `Ibus-Daemon.desktop`
> > >
> > > ~~~
> > > [Desktop Entry]
> > > Name=IBus Daemon
> > > Type=Application
> > > Exec=ibus-daemon -drx
> > > Terminal=false
> > > ~~~
> > >
> > > Thanks for all your ideas!
> > >
> >
> > Well, UTF-8 or st definitely do not need IBus, I haven't it installed on
> > my system and everything works fine. Yet if it provides a solution, go
> > for it.
> >
> > Just in case they may help you avoid IBus, my Debian system (systemd
> > multi-user.targer, no Display Manager, X started by startx) related etc
> > files:
> >
> > cat /etc/default/locale
> > LANG="el_GR.UTF-8"
> >
> > cat /etc/default/keyboard
> > XKBMODEL="pc105"
> > XKBLAYOUT="us,gr"
> > XKBOPTIONS="grp:caps_toggle,numpad:mac,grp_led:caps"
> Well, I don't understand the details; I found this solution by testing
> all possibilities mentioned on the mailing list or found in duckduckgo
> searches. The key for me was the different behavior in Gnome.
> I verified the IBus solution on an armbian64 SBC (who really benefits
> from suckless programs):
> 1) Installation and configuration of ibus.
> 2) Autostart of ibus-daemon.
> 3) Installation of im-config and defining ibus as default.
> Maybe it is useful for someone.
> Best regards,
> Robert 

Hi Robert,

I think you meant to say your specific Input Method Editor (IME) requires ibus.

Good to know your configuration problem is fixed now,

Kind regards,

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