On Sun, 21 May 2023 20:27:54 +0300
Greg Minshall <minsh...@umich.edu> wrote:

> 40+ years ago (working on the Illiac-IV!), i blew up at a co-worker,
> accused him of being a thief, etc.  i was livid.
> my boss, whom i respected a lot, called me in and basically said, "You
> don't have to like so-and-so.  But, here at work, I expect you to treat
> him with respect."
> i changed my behavior.  and, that advice of my former boss has always
> stayed with me, has always seemed very valuable.

If the coworker is a fucking thief, not only will I not like him, I will not 
treat him with respect either. Nor should I be expected to. Jesus did not 
"treat with respect" the fucking thieves who took over the temple; he flipped 
over their tables and chased them out with a whip. Your boss is/was an idiot.

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