Hi all,

I'm working on issue 53420 because I need it for a manual I'm writing.

I'm almost finished and I have a couple questions, I hope this is the right ML.

I'm implementing it as a prefix to page numbers index wide rather than on the token row (where the page number lives normally). I intended it as a page number attribute, so in Alphabetical index it is treated correctly for all pages, and not only for the first one as it would be if I had chosen to add a token on the index format row.

Currently it works but for the separator between the chapter number and the page number, it is currently fixed to '-' (hyphen) only. I plan to add a edit item to the index properties dialog box to provide a mean of changing it.

The code I'm working on is from tag m197.

Example of generated indexes are:

2 Preparazione  2-1
2.1. Generale   2-1

8 Collegamento a Internet     8-1
8.1. Modem ADLS               8-1
8.2. Router/firewall          8-1
8.2.1. Generale               8-1
8.2.2. WiFi                   8-1
Appendice A Note di Installazione per Sarge (Debian 3.1rc3) A-1
A.1. Inizio configurazione rete (network).                  A-5
A.2. Partizionare il disk                                   A-7
A.3. Installazione di Grub                                  A-7


  Atest indice  1-1p., 2-1p., 3-1, 3-3p., 4-4, 6-6
  ATest indice  2-2, 3-2pp.
   Cups D-2
Stampante HP1317        
   Installazione in Gnu/Linux (Debian)  5-5, 6-9,

Of course the chapter number follows the format chosen in the relevant page format (e.g. is A if the chapter numbering chosen was alphabetical).

My questions:

Should I provide some kind of specification for it?

Would I be able to work directly on it (e.g. CWS and the likes)?

I implemented issue 12626 (http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12626#desc24) as a developer, so I know how it works and I have CVS access.

I currently build OOo on Debian GNU/Linux (of the 'etch' flavor).

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno (beppec56)
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.eu

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  • [sw-discussi... Giuseppe Castagno
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    • Re: [sw... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
      • Re:... Giuseppe Castagno
        • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
          • ... Giuseppe Castagno
            • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
              • ... Giuseppe Castagno
            • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
              • ... Giuseppe Castagno
                • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems

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