Hi Oliver,

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems wrote:
Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Hi Oliver,


But, questions, which strongly belong to a certain OOo application, can also be asked in the mailing list of this application.

Good, so here are the comments re: ODF spec, quite verbose, I'm afraid.

I attached to issue 53420 a writer document [2] I created using a patched version of OOo to show what I have in mind. The feature is not persistent, I changed only the index bodies, if you update the indexes with a standard OOo version, you'll loose the "chapter-page" feature in the index body. I can provide the patch to OOo if you'd like to do some testing, it patches only the sw module.

Looking for a way to make the new feature persistent in the ODT file according to the ODF standard [1], it seems to me there is something missing or, more probably, I can't make out how an index entry should be filled to obtain what I attached as an example.

In the "Table of Content Entry Template" ([1] 7.3.2), when it comes down to the chapter number explained in [1]7.12.1, the "Display Chapter Format" attribute seems to lack the value needed to generate the chapter number with neither prefix nor suffix as is instead specified for fields (see [1]6.2.7 "text:display" attribute). If I'm not wrong the missing value is "plain-number". Furthermore to only display the chapter number up to a chosen outline level, the attribute "outline-level" is needed as well.

The [1]7.7.2 "User-Defined Index Entry Template" and [1]7.8.3 "Alphabetical Index Entry Template" have the same format as [1]7.3.2 just explained: the same attributes/values are missing from chapter numbering. The "User-Defined Index Entry Template" has the chapter number attribute, but this is not available on the OOo dialog window for that type of index, whereas the "Alphabetical Index Entry Template" dialog has it.

In the [1]7.4.2 "Illustration Index Entry Template" the chapter numbering is completely missing in the spec, hence it's missing from the indexes which use this same template: [1]7.5.2 "Table Index Entry Template" and [1]7.6.2 "Object Index Entry Template".

The solution should be to update the "text-index-entry-chapter" attribute by adding it the value needed (plain-number) and added the attribute "outline-level", then add the attribute "text-index-entry-chapter" to the entries that don't have it.

There is something to be discussed about how the "Alphabetical Index" entry are to be grouped in order to maintain the chapter-page numbering stuff correct, we'll talk about that later.

One last thing: I started with issue 53420, but is seems to me that issue 14725 [3] refers to the same topic, even if it was for OOo 1.x code line.

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno (beppec56)
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.eu

[1] Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0 (Second Edition), http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/19275/OpenDocument-v1.0ed2-cs1.odt
[2] http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53420#desc8
[3] http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=14725

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            • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
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                • ... Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
                • ... Giuseppe Castagno

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