Hello Syncopers,

I'm still struggling with my current task to remove Spring MVC and completely 
switch to CXF.

My problem is not to remove Spring MVC but to get all test running again. 
Hopefully someone else can support me with this task.

Here is my current state:

1)      I checked out the current trunk version

2)      I run "mvn clean install -Pjaxrs" --> All test run OK

3)      I run "mvn clean verify -DskipTest" in core and cancel the execution 
while cargo:start command is executed.

4)      I run "mvn cargo:run"

5)      I start JUnit test manually (org.apache.syncope.core.rest.jaxrs) in my 
Eclipse IDE --> 2 Errors and 4 Failures

6)      I rerun JUnit test --> 14 Errors and 6 Assertion failures

I haven't done any changes to the code at this point. But without being 
successful in running JUnit test in my IDE manually, I cannot make any changes 
to the code, remove Spring MVC and thus break our build.
Especially the ability to rerun test is quite important to me to speed up 
development time. All this was working without problems after CXF migration was 
complete. But unfortunately it is not any longer.

Can someone confirm these test issues, or is it just me?

Best regards.

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