On 11/06/2013 12:04, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
Can someone confirm these test issues, or is it just me?
Can you try with the different build profiles reported above?
I did as suggested and my test results are:
* 2 Errors and 3 Failures for the first run
* 14 Errors and 6 Failures for the second run

Hi Jan,
I don't have Eclipse, but I've tested whether IT can be re-run safely this way:

1. modified core/src/test/resources/persistence.properties by setting


(this will use non-volatile H2 db for tests)

2. run "mvn -Pjaxrs" from core directory twice, got no errors


Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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