Hi Francesco,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francesco Chicchiriccò [mailto:ilgro...@apache.org]
> Sent: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013 10:17
> To: dev@syncope.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Problems running CXF Tests
> On 11/06/2013 09:06, Jan Bernhardt wrote:
> > Hello Syncopers,
> Hi Jan,
> > I'm still struggling with my current task to remove Spring MVC and
> completely switch to CXF.
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-286
> >
> > My problem is not to remove Spring MVC but to get all test running again.
> Hopefully someone else can support me with this task.
> >
> > Here is my current state:
> >
> > 1)      I checked out the current trunk version
> >
> > 2)      I run "mvn clean install -Pjaxrs" --> All test run OK
> "jaxrs" is a profile only defined in core/pom.xml, you'd better
>   2a) mvn clean install from the root directory
>   2b) mvn -Pjaxrs from the core directory

Yes, you are right. My description here in this mail wasn't correct. But I 
usually run "mvn clean install -Pjaxrs" in core module.

> > 3)      I run "mvn clean verify -DskipTest" in core and cancel the execution
> while cargo:start command is executed.
> I don't understand this step: why are you doing this at all?
> > 4)      I run "mvn cargo:run"
> You'd better run "mvn -Pdebug" from the core directory for this: it starts
> Tomcat with all test configurations but without running any actual test (and
> with JPDA enabled on port 8000, it might be useful when developing).

Good advice. For some reason I was not aware of this profile and thus tried to 
get same same thing accomplished the described way.

> > 5)      I start JUnit test manually (org.apache.syncope.core.rest.jaxrs) in 
> > my
> Eclipse IDE --> 2 Errors and 4 Failures
> >
> > 6)      I rerun JUnit test --> 14 Errors and 6 Assertion failures
> >
> > I haven't done any changes to the code at this point. But without being
> successful in running JUnit test in my IDE manually, I cannot make any
> changes to the code, remove Spring MVC and thus break our build.
> > Especially the ability to rerun test is quite important to me to speed up
> development time. All this was working without problems after CXF
> migration was complete. But unfortunately it is not any longer.
> >
> > Can someone confirm these test issues, or is it just me?
> Can you try with the different build profiles reported above?

I did as suggested and my test results are: 
* 2 Errors and 3 Failures for the first run
* 14 Errors and 6 Failures for the second run

Best regards.

> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member
> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

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