
As I said in HipChat, I'd love to be able to say that we can do this. 
But the fact is right now infra are tied up for at least 6 months. 

I think the best way to gain any traction on this is for the Syncope PMC
to stand up a PoC that replaces 1 (or more) of the components used. 
i.e.  these might include: 

 -  (The end-user part of it)
 - acreq - The user account request workflow 
 - Identity Management as a whole. 
 - PMC karma management

I will be more than happy to help guide the PMC, and give you an ASF VM
on which you can stand up your PoC, and guide you on the business logic
already in place for any of these tools. 

For a long time we have tried to manage identity, or some cut-down
version of it, solely via LDAP. Then we added, and then
acreq was added.  They were all really disjointed efforts.  If we can
bring all this under one roof, and make it usable I think it will be a

The idea of a PoC is to be able to demonstrate that Syncope could
basically be dropped in, and replace one of these components.  

We'd also want some decent handover and/or training from the Syncope
community.  I'm not sure we'd accept it if the community wanted to
support it on it's own, because the sad fact is people move on, and we
would be left with a critical piece of the jigsaw remaining unsupported. 


On Wed, 9 Dec 2015, at 12:06 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
> [Re-sending to infra@ after quick chat with infra]
> Howdy Infra,
> following a discussion [1] we had on Syncope PMC list, I would like to 
> start a thread around possible usage of Apache Syncope for managing 
> identity flows within the ASF infrastructure.
> Let me start with a real-life sample: I have recently been asked to join 
> CXF as committer (good to me!).
> I know from [2] that, since I already own an ASF id, someone from CXF 
> PMC had to run a perl script on in order to add myself 
> to the LDAP commiter group for CXF.
> If instead this was my first invitation, someone had to prior request 
> for an account [3] (note the different link for PMC chairs and PMC 
> members) and trigger a (manual) approval process which ensures at least 
> the availability of the chosen ASF id and the presence of a valid ICLA 
> which can be "reconciled" with such request.
> Once in, someone with enough karma still needs to grant me proper access 
> to JIRA and Confluence (and / or more applications).
> If I'd like to change my password and manage my own details (including 
> SSH and GPG) I can log into [4].
> Naturally, I have omitted several parts of the process, especially the 
> ones related to becoming PMC [5] or ASF member, which are even more 
> involved.
> As Syncope PMC, we believe it is worth to explore the possibility of 
> using Syncope for driving the processes summarized above, and more.
> I see this as a win-win situation: Infra will benefit from introducing a 
> proper tool for the job, and Syncope will get more visibility both 
> within the foundation and externally (think to some post(s) by Infra 
> describing this work).
> In the past I have exchanged some e-mails with Tony Stevenson about this 
> topic, and it seemed to me he was interested on the topic, even though 
> at a certain point we did not follow up.
> Should you be interested, we are available to discuss in order to 
> identify together the required steps, and also to provide material help, 
> if required.
> Looking forward for your reply.
> Regards.
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> -- 
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
> member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC, CXF committer

Many thanks,


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