Hello devs,

I would like to update you on my progress regarding the project. I've
downloaded the sources and built them successfully. I've also started
working on the plugin layout which took a bit of a look around to find the
right way to do it.

I would like to ask something at this point. I am able to create a "view"
in eclipse which shall display in a window, the email templates available
and clicking on a template would open it in the editor. Now, which of the
following should I focus on?

   - A button in the menu which opens the view in the workbench
   - A perspective which displays just the template list view and an editor

Also, I would like to know if I can use a cloud platform to develop this
project. It would be easier for me since I work behind a proxy in my
college and also, it would save me the hassle of manually backing up my
work everyday.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 2:57 PM Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>

> On 27/04/2016 17:39, Tushar Mishra wrote:
> > Hello devs,
> >
> > My name is Tushar Mishra and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree
> in
> > Computer Science with specialization in Open Source Software and Open
> > Standards from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun,
> > India as a 3rd year Undergraduate student.
> >
> > Recently, my proposal for developing an Eclipse Plugin (as stated in
> > [SYNCOPE-809]) was accepted at the Google Summer of Code. Consequently, I
> > have been assigned to the issue under the supervision of Mr. Francesco
> > Chicchiriccò who is my mentor for the same.
> >
> > I look forward to working under your guidance and I believe I can do
> > wonders with your help.
> Hi Tushar,
> as your mentor for this activity, let me express my own deep welcome to
> the Apache Syncope community.
> Please consider that you are currently in the "Community Bonding Period"
> (Apr 22 - May 22), where you are expected to get ready to start
> contributing full time.
> Community Bonding activities may involve:
>      * Becoming familiar with the community practices and processes.
> (This often involves a mix of observation and participation.)
>      * Participating on Mailing Lists / IRC / etc. (Not just lurking.)
>      * Setting up their development environment.
>      * Small (or large) patches/bug fixes. (These do not need to be
> directly related to their GSoC project.)
>      * Participating in code reviews for others. (Even someone who isn't
> familiar with the project can contribute by pointing out potential
> inefficiencies, bad error handling, etc.)
>      * Working with their mentor and other org members on refining their
> project plan. This might include finalizing deadlines and milestones,
> adding more detail, figuring out potential issues, etc.
>      * If you are already familiar with the organization, you could be
> helping others get involved in the community.
>      * Reading (and updating!) documentation they will need to
> understand to complete their project.
>      * Reporting or replicating bugs.
> In general, I would prefer to keep the communication here, open for the
> whole community. You are naturally free to contact me privately as
> you've been doing so far.
> Should you need live interaction, let's meet on the #apache-syncope IRC
> channel - I am generally available there from 9.00 AM CET until 6.00 PM CET
> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> http://www.tirasa.net/
> Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
> member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC, CXF committer
> http://home.apache.org/~ilgrosso/
> --
Tushar Mishra
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Computer Science with specialization in ​Open Source Software and Open
Semester VI

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