Hi Tushar,
here are my preliminary observations:

1. please refactor the whole project as a Maven project having the following parent POM:


This will help for later stages since your (and Nuwan Sameera's for SYNCOPE-808) code is eventually going to be merged into the Apache Syncope source tree.

2. avoid putting binary files into the source tree (Maven will greatly help WRT this), like as


3. add a wiki page with instructions on how to (1) build and (2) use your plugin within Eclipse (with supported Eclipse versions)


On 24/05/2016 15:23, Tushar Mishra wrote:
I've updated the source <https://github.com/tmess567/SYNCOPE-809> to
include and use the Syncope Client library to access data from the REST
API. Please do check it out and advise me on any required changes or


On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:31 PM Tushar Mishra <tusharm...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello devs,

I would like to update you on my progress in the project.

Seeing that today was the start of my project, I've built a java REST
client to get all the mail and report templates using Apache's HTTP
libraries. These classes provide data from the REST API and have been added
to a view plugin which shows the keys of the mail and report templates in a
tree view as suggested here
<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/GSOC+2016>. A
screenshot for the same has been uploaded here <http://imgur.com/4BO4yi2>.

I received advice from my mentor that I should be using the Syncope
Client library for fetching and sending data to the rest API. I am
currently looking into it and will be updating you guys on the progress
with the same soon.

Meanwhile, I've uploaded the current one with the Apache's HTTP libraries over
here <https://github.com/tmess567/SYNCOPE-809>. Please take a look and
tell me if any changes are required.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC,
Olingo PMC, CXF Committer, OpenJPA Committer

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