
In detail, I ran our performance testsuite on Spark 1.6.1 for data sizes
{80MB, 800MB, 8GB, 80GB}, sparse/dense, intercept 0/1/2, and the algorithm
classes binomial (Mlogreg, L2SVM, MSVM), multinomial (Mlogreg, MSVM, Naive
Bayes), regression (LinregCG, LinregDS, GLM poisson-log, GLM gamma-log, GLM
binomal-probit), clustering (Kmeans), and statistics (Univariate,
Bivariate). The good news is that there are no compiler/runtime issues and
performance is as expected.

On thing, however, is that we get quite often exceptions like the one below
in the logs - these are output in log level WARN and apparently caused by a
race condition in the stop call on the spark context (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-12967). Unfortunately, it's
only fixed in 2.0 and there is nothing we can do about it.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: RpcEnv already stopped.
        at org.apache.spark.rpc.netty.Dispatcher.postMessage
        at org.apache.spark.rpc.netty.Dispatcher.postToAll


From:   Luciano Resende <luckbr1...@gmail.com>
To:     dev@systemml.incubator.apache.org
Date:   05/20/2016 10:45 PM
Subject:        [VOTE] Apache SystemML 0.10.0-incubating (RC1)

Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache SystemML version
0.10.0-incubating !

The vote is open for at least 72 hours and will close on Saturday,
Wednesday 25 and passes if a majority of at least 3 +1 PMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache SystemML 0.10.0-incubating
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

To learn more about Apache SystemML, please see http://systemml.apache.org/

The tag to be voted on is v0.10.0-incubating-rc1


The release artifacts can be found at :


The maven release artifacts, including signatures, digests, etc. can be
found at:


== Apache Incubator release policy ==
Please find below the guide to release management during incubation:

== How can I help test this release? ==
If you are a SystemML user, you can help us test this release by taking an
existing Algorithm or workload and running on this release candidate, then
reporting any regressions.

== What justifies a -1 vote for this release? ==
-1 votes should only occur for significant stop-ship bugs or legal related
issues (e.g. wrong license, missing header files, etc). Minor bugs or
regressions should not block this release.

Luciano Resende

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