On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 6:11 PM, <dusenberr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes I'm also in favor of moving to a 1.0 version for our upcoming release
> targeting the Spark 1.x series. Since we'll also be subsequently releasing
> a version targeting the Spark 2.x series, I would also like to suggest that
> we name that version 2.0. This version naming scheme would allow us to
> easily associate a SystemML version with the Spark series that it targets,
> thus reducing confusion for a user. Rather than view a 2.0 version as a
> successor to 1.0, let's view it instead as simply a naming scheme that
> corresponds to the targeted version of Spark.
> So, 1.0 would be our upcoming release targeting Spark 1.x, and 2.0 would
> be our upcoming release targeting Spark 2.x.
+ 1

Luciano Resende

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