I think we can just use 'starter' label which was available from drop-down
list of labels.


From:   Niketan Pansare/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
To:     dev@systemml.incubator.apache.org
Date:   09/29/2016 07:22 AM
Subject:        Re: Building a community around SystemML

+1 for marking some easy non-blocking issues for the participants of
Hacktoberfest. What is the best way to go about it ? Should we create a
special label on JIRA server for such tasks?

> On Sep 29, 2016, at 6:20 AM, Shagun Sodhani <sshagunsodh...@gmail.com>
> +1 for improving documentation (to make it easier to get started) and for
> promoting SystemML even more. We can also leverage events like
> Hacktoberfest (https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/) and mark some
> issues for people to start with.
> Thanks,
> Shagun
> https://twitter.com/shagunsodhani
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Madison Myers <madisonjmy...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for opening up this dialogue Felix & Luciano!
>> It only just came to my attention that discussions about the website and
>> reaching out to the community were taking place here, so apologies for
>> chiming in earlier. I have a few comments on the website and on the
>> of community outreach:
>> I have actually been actively working with the design team to try and
>> reorganize the content and documentation for the Apache SystemML website
>> since first initiating the website renewal. Since the first phase of the
>> website has completed, we have prioritized reorganization and proper
>> documentation. To further this aim, I am also rewriting tutorials so
>> they can be better understood by new users and will include my 10+ blogs
>> that I have written on the Spark.tc website for SystemML. We also
>> definitely want to have a link to those videos- so thanks so much for
>> attaching them, Niketan! If you all have any other ideas or have written
>> tutorials/blogs/etc. on SystemML please let me know or send them my way.
>> Additionally, Luciano mentioned that he was trying to find two key
>> for the SystemML website. Looking at the results from the SystemML
survey I
>> sent out a few weeks ago, it is clear that an overwhelming majority of
>> people voted for Data Scientist- new and Data Scientist- advanced. Input
>> if you agree on these results would be helpful.
>> As for reaching out to the community, this is an aspect I am actively
>> trying to work on. Mike and I will be speaking at UC Berkeley about our
>> SystemML use case, and I have also been trying to promote it on social
>> media. I think clearer documentation will greatly help new users adopt
>> SystemML, so I am in full support of that focus! If you all have other
>> ideas or see room for improvement in this domain, please let me know if
>> can help.
>> Thanks again!
>> Madison
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Niketan Pansare <npan...@us.ibm.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Luciano and Felix for starting this discussion.
>>> +1 for versioned documentation.
>>> Regarding understanding the SystemML internals, following things would
>>> help:
>>> 1. I believe we have done a good job to separate the components into
>>> different package as well as modularize the compilation process in
>> separate
>>> layers. Though the components/layers are well-explained in our papers,
>>> might be a good idea to create design document as suggested by Felix.
>> This
>>> design document should explain different component and also the
>> interface.
>>> May be putting the design into javadoc with links/references and then
>>> hosting the docs might be a good idea too. This will help in reviewing
>> the
>>> PR itself as the code and docs are in the same file.
>>> 2. We can showcase following videos on https://apache.github.io/
>>> incubator-systemml/contributing-to-systemml:
>>> - SystemML classes (example: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=
>>> PL9U7gw7DOIGhdiKZkMAqNPIDywFMlzCaY)
>>> - Meetups (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkYqjWL1xzk&index=13&;
>>> list=PL9U7gw7DOIGiT4yi2uw_Mk3TbBEDc_qKq and
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>> v=hJfubEYDiQ8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VpiJK8Jydw)
>>> - Code walkthrough videos (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>> v=2dnIKY1iVCI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niz1VLrrucQ ... very
>>> old videos ... would recommend creating new ones instead).
>>> - Demos.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Niketan Pansare
>>> IBM Almaden Research Center
>>> E-mail: npansar At us.ibm.com
>>> http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-npansar
>>> [image: Inactive hide details for fschueler---09/28/2016 03:50:48
>>> think those are excellent ideas! Especially the point about
>> c]fschueler---09/28/2016
>>> 03:50:48 PM---I think those are excellent ideas! Especially the point
>> about
>>> communicating on the mailing-list.
>>> From: fschue...@posteo.de
>>> To: dev@systemml.incubator.apache.org
>>> Date: 09/28/2016 03:50 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Building a community around SystemML
>>> ------------------------------
>>> I think those are excellent ideas! Especially the point about
>>> communicating on the mailing-list.
>>> Google summer of code is a great way of getting people involved with
>>> project long-term and we should think about possible projects.
>>> Application for mentoring organizations usually starts in February. I
>>> would be open to help planning this.
>>> For the personas and documentation I agree. Good documentation should
>>> a priority and something like a "Quickstart" should be the first goto
>>> for many people that want to try SystemML. Apart from that, the current
>>> documentation is in a somewhat unstable state since it mixes
>>> documentation for different releases, APIs, languages, etc.
>>> Maybe we could aim for a versioned documentation that is part of a
>>> release and can be easily related to the corresponding release. It
>>> should be easy for users to find the docs that correspond to the
>>> of SystemML that they're using (similar to Spark's documentation link
>>> spark.apache.org). Making documentation part of a PR that affects user
>>> APIs might be a good idea.
>>> Regarding the Jiras, I think it's important to include enough
>>> information in their description. Similarly, it might be helpful for
>>> contributors to have an overview of SystemML internals that don't
>>> require them to read all related papers. When we investigated SystemML
>>> internals for the Flink and DSL implementation, it took us a long time
>>> to understand the places in the code that we had to touch before we
>>> could get started. In the course of this I started writing down a few
>>> things in a google doc
>>> (https://docs.google.com/document/d/139lRYxrD-j1k1Fh7X4jVkMZypbqS_
>>> 8ZskN3PiZgjKVE/edit#heading=h.q6w9j5yjre8y).
>>> It might make sense to extend that to give users a high-level but
>>> detailed enough overview of SystemML that lets them understand what the
>>> components are and how they interact. This might help people to figure
>>> out what they would want to work on, too.
>>> Felix
>>> Am 28.09.2016 21:32 schrieb Luciano Resende:
>>>> One of the remaining things that SystemML needs to do in order to
>>>> graduate
>>>> is to build a better community around the project.
>>>> Some ideas are:
>>>> - Be more open with mailing lists discussions particularly with high
>>>> level
>>>> designs that sometimes just get buried in PRs.
>>>> - Identify and participate on projects where more experienced
>>>> members would mentor students or others interested in
>>>> participating/contributing to the project (e.g. GSoC)
>>>> - Identify top two main personas that would be interested in the
>>>> project,
>>>> and bring up visibility on documentation based on these personas to
>>>> make
>>>> their first experience with the project very smooth and without much
>>>> problems.
>>>> - Create simple JIRAs and flag them for initial contributors (e.g.
>>>> documentation, simple fix, etc)
>>>> Any other ideas ? And how do we execute this with some priority to get
>>>> us
>>>> to graduate ?
>> --
>> *Madison J. Myers*
>> *UC Berkeley, Master of Information & Data Science '17*
>> *King's College London, MA Political Science '14*
>> *New York University, BA Political Science '12*
>>   -
>>      LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/madisonjmyers>

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