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On 13.12.2011 18:24, Massimo Lusetti wrote:
> I've created and uploaded a release of Tapestry 5.3.1, ready to bevoted upon.
> The source and source downloads are uploaded to:
> and the Maven artifacts staged to:
> Please examine these files to determine if the new release, 5.X, is ready.
> I've also created a 5.X tag in Subversion:
> Please note that this is a bugfix release so it's a drop in
> replacement for 5.3, here is the list of fixes:
> Bug
> [TAP5-1762] - Some components do not have include a description of
> their parameters in their JavaDoc pages
> [TAP5-1765] - PerThread scope is not honored when service is created
> using autobuild
> [TAP5-1768] - @ActivationRequestParameter does not encode to be URL friendly
> [TAP5-1773] - FormFieldFocus mixin passes control name, not client id,
> to JavaScriptSupport.autofocus()
> [TAP5-1784] - Extra comma in tapestry-messages_de.js causes Internet
> Explorer to fail to work
> [TAP5-1785] - Exceptions while compressing JavaScript are not fully reported
> [TAP5-1786] - All forms/submission not working after
> FileUploadException is raised
> Improvement
> [TAP5-1756] - Let the asset path prefix be configurable
> Task
> [TAP5-1780] - Upgrade Selenium dependency to 2.14.0
> On a successful vote, I'll release the Maven artifaces, and move the
> source and javadoc distributions from these directories to the proper
> distribution directories and update the Tapestry site documentation.
> Vote will run for three days; on success I'll move the voted artifacts
> into place and send out appropriate notifications.
> Cheers

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