
I'm implementing a proof-of-concept application with tapestry 5.4 and angularjs. All basic things work, now I try to find some best practice.

Angularjs provides the opportinity to dynamically load content (called 'view templates') into a page area and connect it with logic. This allows to split up a large application into parts - a concept very similar to tapestry's components. One can embed templates within the page (surrounded by a special script tag) or can load it from the server.

Angularjs behaves in the following way to load "mytemplate":
- check if there's a script tag <script type="text/ng-template" id="mytemplate"> - if yes take the script's content as template
- otherwise load "mytemplate" from the server relative to the page's url

Now I want to use tapestry's component mechanism to provide such templates:

1. I could simply put all into one page and put the template's content into tapestry components:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="mytemplate">
This is simple but results in a (very big) page

2. I could create a page for each template.
This would make angular to load the template on demand.
Problem here is that tapestry will not allow to create "partial pages" starting with a <div>.

3. Tweak angularjs to use some zone update mechanism to load the templates.
I have no idea if/how this is possible. If someone already did such, please let me know.

What do you think would the best way to do it?


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