You might want to look at ...
but really, email is such a different medium that I have always just used
Velocity templates myself. You don't have to put the business logic in the
template if you don't want to.

On Feb 20, 2018 5:20 AM, "Coleman, JohnSteven (Agoda)" <> wrote:

> On 2/20/18, 4:35 PM, "Dmitry Gusev" <> wrote:
>     Email received from outside the company. If in doubt don't click links
> nor open attachments!
>     ________________________________
>     Hi,
>     I guess your answer is mostly about formatting HTML output using TML
> markup?
> Yes exactly. The template rendering technology is great in Tapestry, I
> wish it could be abstracted for other applications.  I’ve been using
> Freemarker and it sucks by comparison just like JSP sucked by blurring code
> and presentation into a new and unnecessary technology.
> Perhaps the easiest thing would be to run a Tapestry App with an embedded
> Jetty instance, and just page request the content to copy into the emails?
> And another advantage is the web page could be linked to itself for a click
> this link to read mail online option? It wouldn’t surprise me if this was
> actually faster as well.
> John
> ________________________________
> This message is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended
> recipient(s). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by copyright
> or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake please let us know
> by reply email and delete it from your system. It is prohibited to copy
> this message or disclose its content to anyone. Any confidentiality or
> privilege is not waived or lost by any mistaken delivery or unauthorized
> disclosure of the message. All messages sent to and from Agoda may be
> monitored to ensure compliance with company policies, to protect the
> company's interests and to remove potential malware. Electronic messages
> may be intercepted, amended, lost or deleted, or contain viruses.

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