On Jun 18, 2011, at 1:44 AM, "Roger Meier" <ro...@bufferoverflow.ch> wrote:

> HI Anthony,
> It absolutely makes sense to use a more suitable tool for a specific
> language, that's why we also have ant to build the java library.
> Some questions I have:
> - How do you bring in the VERSION to the rebar build process? Via
> Makefile.am as today?

I did the change in my local repo last night and the way this works is that I 
moved thrift.app.src to thrift.app.src.in so I can substitute VERSION that way 
(so no weird sed just straight autoconf).

> - Could you also move the testsuite from test/erl/ to lib/erl/test ? See
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-35

That was the plan.  I was going to assume R13 or greater and convert the tests 
to eunit.  Is there a reason to leave some tests in test/erl?  It seemed like 
unit type tests would move (so for instance the membuffer test but the test 
client/server would not?)


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