Hi Keith,

first and foremost, it is upon the API designer to take care of that. There are a number of best practices floating around, but there is nothing in Thrift that really prevents you from doing things like that. Thrift can help you with that process by means of the (relatively new) audit feature:

   $ thrift  --audit myapi-v2.thrift   myapi-v1.thrift
[Thrift Audit Failure:myapi-v2.thrift] New Thrift File has missing function bar

Have fun,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Keith Turner
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 9:14 PM
To: dev@thrift.apache.org
Subject: API Stability Guarantees?

In THRIFT-3202[1]  a method was dropped (in a bug fix release.. IMHO that
method should have been deprecated).  Dropping that method  prevents a
seemless upgrade for Accumulo[2] .  This problem made wonder if the Thrift
project has any agreed upon API stability guarantees?

[1] : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-3202
[2]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACCUMULO-4051

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