On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Jens Geyer <jensge...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Keith,
> first and foremost, it is upon the API designer to take care of that.
> There are a number of best practices floating around, but there is nothing
> in Thrift that really prevents you from doing things like that. Thrift can
> help you with that

I was not specific enough.  I was not asking about an API I am creating
using Thrift. I was asking about Thrift's Java APIs.  Specifically the
removal[1] of some methods from org.apache.thrift.server.THsHaServer in the
Thrift Java   library.  This change will potentially break any code using
THsHaServer.  After seeing this change, I was wondering if the Thrift
project has makes any API stability guarantees for its libraries.


> process by means of the (relatively new) audit feature:
>    $ thrift  --audit myapi-v2.thrift   myapi-v1.thrift
>    [Thrift Audit Failure:myapi-v2.thrift] New Thrift File has missing
> function bar
> Have fun,
> JensG
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Keith Turner
> Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 9:14 PM
> To: dev@thrift.apache.org
> Subject: API Stability Guarantees?
> In THRIFT-3202[1]  a method was dropped (in a bug fix release.. IMHO that
> method should have been deprecated).  Dropping that method  prevents a
> seemless upgrade for Accumulo[2] .  This problem made wonder if the Thrift
> project has any agreed upon API stability guarantees?
> [1] : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-3202
> [2]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ACCUMULO-4051

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