who knows when 0.15 might happen

Easy. When the PMC decides and somebody actually takes action. It can happen once per quarter if we really want it.

I have a few PRs in the pipeline, that are already reviewed and ready for
merge. I just did not have time to perform the merge yet.

Do we have a schedule for that? No, I don't want to put extra pressure, I just want to ask so we all know what time frame you have in mind.

We can always decide to leave some of the tickets/PRs out. Or we decide to do the release in February. Whatever makes sense. Having a plan would actually be a step forward, wouldn't it?

Have fun,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Duru Can Celasun
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 12:40 AM
To: dev@thrift.apache.org
Subject: Re: Plans/process for 0.14.0 release?

I'd say get as many commits in as you can. Our release schedule is at best erratic, who knows when 0.15 might happen :)

On Wed, 6 Jan 2021, at 21:35, Mario Emmenlauer wrote:

On 04.01.21 21:41, Yuxuan Wang wrote:
> Judging from history the end of the years are usually when we do > releases,
> is there a plan for 0.14.0 release?

I have a few PRs in the pipeline, that are already reviewed and ready for
merge. I just did not have time to perform the merge yet.

Is it rather encouraged to get them into 0.14.0, or rather discouraged?
In other words, should as much go into the release as possible, or should
current master already "settle down" to be as stable as possible before
the release?

All the best,

     Mario Emmenlauer

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