
On 09.01.21 15:35, Jens Geyer wrote:
> Hi,
>> Is it rather encouraged to get them into 0.14.0, or rather discouraged?
>> In other words, should as much go into the release as possible, or should
>> current master already "settle down" to be as stable as possible before
>> the release?
> Of course stable is key. OTOH there may be some feature/bugfix that is kind 
> of a release blocker for some reason and therefore should be included. 
> Deciding
> about a feature set is mostly a question of priorities and it usuallycomes 
> down to "when can we deliver" vs. "what risks are we taking". You have time,
> features, quality and workload. Assumed we won't let down on quality, there 
> are two options out of three left for you to nail down. The remaining option 
> is what
> you have to accept as-is. Basic project management.
> If you give us an idea what exactly you are talking about, we might be able 
> to give some feedback. Hard to tell on "a few PRs in the pipeline", because it
> mostly depends on the content.

I've merged today a small PR that helps build thrift with the ClangCl
compiler frontend in Visual Studio. This should not have a negative
impact in any other scenario.

My other three PRs can wait until after the release - they are not
urgent enough to justify that they are "less well tested" before the

Therefore: green light from my side for 0.14.0!

All the best,


BioDataAnalysis GmbH, Mario Emmenlauer      Tel. Buero: +49-89-74677203
Balanstr. 43                   mailto: memmenlauer * biodataanalysis.de
D-81669 München                          http://www.biodataanalysis.de/

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