
It's a few months since 0.9 and our Tika in Action book is soon ready
> for print, so I think it's good time to start planning for the 1.0
> release.
> There are a few odds and ends that I'd still like to sort out in the
> trunk, but overall I think we're in a pretty much ready for the switch
> from 0.x to 1.x.


> One major issue to be decided is whether we want to follow up with the
> earlier intention of dropping deprecated functionality (like the
> three-argument parse() method) before the 1.0 release. I think we
> should do that and also make some other backwards-incompatible
> cleanups while we're at it. That way we'll have less old baggage to
> carry as we evolve through the 1.x release cycle

+1 this is the perfect time to do these changes

We'll spend some time next week on Tika-657 i.e process the Enron corpus
with Tika + Behemoth; we'll probably find things to improve on the email
parser as a result. Would be good to do 1.0 after that maybe?


*Open Source Solutions for Text Engineering


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