On Thu, 7 Aug 2014, Tyler Palsulich wrote:
I think we should add some consolidated documentation on how to use Tika's
Java API. It would be very helpful if we had short snippets of code that
showed how exactly you can use Parser.parse(), for example. I think I
remember a thread about testing example code a while back, but I'm not

We did[1]. The CMS coupled with Markdown is able to pull in snippets from SVN. There was a general sense that we should see if we could do it with Apt too (maybe with a plugin?), otherwise switch from Apt to Markdown + CMS for building + editing the site. That was about it... Volunteer(s) needed!

*1) tika-example module*. This module would have example code of using each main interface of Tika. Simplicity and organization would be king, so new users can find exactly what they're looking for quickly. A big benefit of this is that unit tests would be baked in. I like this option.

We can check for breakages with the compiler and unit tests, which is very handy! (Nothing worse than examples that don't work any more...)

*3)* Examples section on the *website*. This has the benefit of pretty formatting and coloring, without the potential user having to check out the repo or view direct source in browser. Another benefit is this section would be perfect for showing how to use the tika-app jar.

This needs to pull from the examples in svn, so we make sure it compiles and stays working. See above!


[1] eg 

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