
Sorry for the double-email. Let me add some more notes about Gremlin Bytecode.

Instructions that only have primitives are easy:

        has name marko

Instructions that have enums require typing:

        has T.label person

Instructions that have traversals require nesting:

        repeat [ out knows ]

Instructions that have P predicates require typing/nesting:

        has age P.gt(10).and(P.lt(32))

From here, I think we will need:

        1. Enum types for Direction, Cardinality, Order, Operator, Pop, Scope, T
                {@type:”Operator”, value:”sum” }
        2. Traversal type for anonymous traversal nesting.
                {@type:”Traversal”, bytecode: [ ] }
        3. P type with nesting.
                {@type: “P”, predicate: “and”, value: [ {@type: “P”, predicate: 
“gt”, value: 10}, {@type: “P”, predicate: “lt”, value: 32} ]}

Thus, lets do an example:


  @type: “Traversal”,
  bytecode: [
    [“has”, “age”, { @type: “P”, predicate: “gt”, value: {@type: “int32”, 
value: 30} }],
    [“repeat”, {@type: “Traversal”, bytecode : [ [“out”] ] }],
    [“times”, {@type: “int32”, value: 5 }],
    [“by”, “income”, {@type: “Order”, value: “decr” }]

Something like that. Question:

        Do we namespace our types? 
                @type: “gremlin:Traversal"
                @type: “gremlin:P”

From a JSON representation like this, we can then “reply the instructions” on a 
Gremlin VM to reconstruct the traversal that was generated remotely in another 
language. In TINKERPOP-1278, Gremlin-Python creates a Bytecode object as the 
user is doing g.V.out… then on next(), toList(), etc. that Bytecode object is 
sent to a RemoteConnection (e.g. GremlinServer), the Bytecode is run on the 
remote VM to create g.V.out… traversal remotely, execute it, and return results 
in GraphSON.

Thats all there is to it.



> On Jul 13, 2016, at 6:53 AM, Marko Rodriguez <okramma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>> I wonder if it even makes sense to type numbers according to their
>> memory model. As objects, Byte, Short, and Integer occupy the same
>> space. Long isn't much more.  So in Java we're not saving much space.
>> Jackson will attempt to parse in order: int, long, BigInt, BigDecimal.
>> The JSON JSR uses only BigDecimal. Some non-jvm languages don't even
>> have this concept.  Does anything in gremlin actually require this?
>> I'm thinking that this is only going to be relevant at the domain
>> model level. This way json native numbers can be used and not need
>> typing.
> I think we should type numbers. Already, with Gremlin-Python, I’m having 
> trouble between Python’s “big integer”, Java’s long, Java’s float, Python’s 
> double…. knowing the size and schema of a number is important. However, I 
> believe that if something is NOT typed, then we assume it is a JSON-type. 
> E.g. String, boolean.
>> Additionally, I think that all things that will be typed should always
>> be typed. For the use cases of injesting a saved graph from a file, it
>> can probably be assumed that the top-level objects are vertices since
>> the graph is vertex-centric and everything else follows naturally.
>> I'm not entirely sure what is required for submitting traversals to
>> gremlin server from GLV.  However, if this is used for the results
>> from gremlin server then the results could start with any one of path,
>> vertex, edge, property, vertex property, etc. So you'll need that type
>> data there.
> Gremlin-XXX will be sending Bytecode to Gremlin-YYY. Byte code looks like 
> this:
> V 1
> out knows
> has name marko
> has age gt(10)
> values name
> Here is a thrown together JSON representation of 
> g.V().as("a").repeat(out("created", 
> "knows")).times(2).as("b").dedup().select("a", "b”)
> [["V"],
> ["as","a"],
> ["repeat",[["out","created","knows"]]],
> ["times",2],
> ["as","b"],
> ["dedup"],
> ["select","a","b”]]
> We will need a GraphSON representation of this that is Java free. This will 
> be the foundational representation of serialized Gremlin traversals that can 
> be passed around between Gremlin VMs and used by any programming language to 
> both host Gremlin and compile traversals to this JSON-based Bytecode 
> representation.
> Marko.

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