On 2016-07-09 16:48 (+0100), Stephen Mallette <spmalle...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> With all the work on GLVs and the recent work on GraphSON 2.0, I think it's
> important that we have a solid, efficient, programming language neutral,
> lossless serialization format. Right now that format is GraphSON and it
> works for that purpose (ever more  so with 2.0). Given some discussion on
> the GraphSON 2.0 PR driven a bit by Robert Dale:
> https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/pull/351#issuecomment-231157389
> I wonder if we shouldn't consider another IO format that has Gremlin
> Server/GLVs in mind. At this point I'm not suggesting anything specific -
> I'm just hanging the idea out for further discussion and brain storming.
> Thoughts?

Hey, so I'm trying to gather all infos we have here in order to prepare to move 
forward with the implem of GraphSON 2.0, here's what I come up with : 

Things we have : 
- Type format.
- The structure in Jackson to implement our own type format.
- All non native Graph types are typed (except the domain specific types).

New things we need : 
- Types for domain specific objects.
- Types for all numeric values.
- Don't serialize empty fields (outV and stuff).

Things we consider changing :
- Type IDs convention. Before : Java simple class names. Now : starts with a 
"domain" like "gremlin" followed by the "type name", which is a lowercased type 
name (like "uuid", or "float", or "vertex"). Example : "gremlin:uuid".
- Type format ?

Am I missing something ?

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