Pieter, I created this issue:


and made an effort to try to figure a way to fix it:


Note the change to TinkerGraph and its io() method. I suppose you could do
something similar to get the right registry in play? could you have a look
and see if what i did helps? if that works then i'll issue a PR and we can
get it reviewed/merged.

On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 12:10 PM, pieter gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com>

> Ok, at present there is only one SimpleModule, the default. I can make it
> v2 or v3 but not both.
> Lets say I make the SimpleModule support V2.
> Then when calling IoEdgeTest for
>     {"graphson-v3", true, true,
>         (Function<Graph, GraphReader>) g -> g.io(IoCore.graphson()).reader
> ().mapper(g.io(GraphSONIo.build(GraphSONVersion.V3_0)).
> mapper().create()).create(),
>         (Function<Graph, GraphWriter>) g -> g.io(IoCore.graphson()).writer
> ().mapper(g.io(GraphSONIo.build(GraphSONVersion.V3_0)).
> mapper().create()).create()},
> then the deserializers that run are for V2,
>     static class SchemaTableIdJacksonDeserializerV2d0 extends
> AbstractObjectDeserializer<SchemaTable> {
>         SchemaTableIdJacksonDeserializerV2d0() {
>             super(SchemaTable.class);
>         }
>         @Override
>         public SchemaTable createObject(final Map data) {
>             return SchemaTable.of((String)data.get("schema"), (String)
> data.get("table"));
>         }
>     }
> when createObject fires the map data has V3 elements in it like @type and
> @value whilst its expecting "schema" and "table"
> If we make the SimpleModule support V3 then graphson-v2 will fail.
>    {"graphson-v2", false, false,
>        (Function<Graph, GraphReader>) g -> g.io(IoCore.graphson()).reader
> ().mapper(g.io(GraphSONIo.build(GraphSONVersion.V2_0)).
> mapper().typeInfo(TypeInfo.NO_TYPES).create()).create(),
>        (Function<Graph, GraphWriter>) g -> g.io(IoCore.graphson()).writer
> ().mapper(g.io(GraphSONIo.build(GraphSONVersion.V2_0)).
> mapper().typeInfo(TypeInfo.NO_TYPES).create()).create()},
> Now the deserializers are for V3.
>     static class SchemaTableJacksonDeserializerV3d0 extends
> StdDeserializer<SchemaTable> {
>         public SchemaTableJacksonDeserializerV3d0() {
>             super(RecordId.class);
>         }
>         @Override
>         public SchemaTable deserialize(final JsonParser jsonParser, final
> DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException,
> JsonProcessingException {
>             final Map<String, Object> data = 
> deserializationContext.readValue(jsonParser,
> Map.class);
>             return SchemaTable.of((String)data.get("schema"), (String)
> data.get("table"));
>         }
>         @Override
>         public boolean isCachable() {
>             return true;
>         }
>     }
> This does not fire at all. Eventually I get a detached edge with an id
> that is a map. It never deserialized.
> So basically it only works if the SimpleModule version, i.e.
> serialize/deserialize code matches up with the version.
> Sqlg serializes RecordId to,
>     static class RecordIdJacksonSerializerV3d0 extends
> StdScalarSerializer<RecordId> {
>         public RecordIdJacksonSerializerV3d0() {
>             super(RecordId.class);
>         }
>         @Override
>         public void serialize(final RecordId recordId, final JsonGenerator
> jsonGenerator, final SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
>                 throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
>             final Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<>();
>             m.put("schemaTable", recordId.getSchemaTable());
>             m.put("id", recordId.getId());
>             jsonGenerator.writeObject(m);
>         }
>     }
> and
>     static class SchemaTableJacksonSerializerV3d0 extends
> StdScalarSerializer<SchemaTable> {
>         SchemaTableJacksonSerializerV3d0() {
>             super(SchemaTable.class);
>         }
>         @Override
>         public void serialize(final SchemaTable schemaTable, final
> JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, final SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
>                 throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
>             // when types are not embedded, stringify or resort to JSON
> primitive representations of the
>             // type so that non-jvm languages can better interoperate with
> the TinkerPop stack.
>             final Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
>             m.put("schema", schemaTable.getSchema());
>             m.put("table", schemaTable.getTable());
>             jsonGenerator.writeObject(m);
>         }
>     }
> Hope it all makes some sense,
> Pieter
> On 05/09/2017 17:31, Stephen Mallette wrote:
>> I guess I'm trying to understand why it matters for purpose of the test.
>> If
>> you mix/match versions I can't think of why the test would care one way or
>> the other. does sqlg serialize its id to a JSON Map?
>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:19 AM, pieter gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I looked at TinkerGraph's implementation. In fact I copied it. TinkerGraph
>>> does not have any special id serialization. In fact both its
>>> TinkerIoRegistryV3d0 andTinkerIoRegistryV2d0 registry uses
>>> TinkerModuleV2d0.
>>> In IoCustomTest tests you call g.io(GraphSONIo.build(GraphSON
>>> Version.V2_0)).mapper().addCustomModule(moduleV2d0).
>>> I.e. the test manually registers the appropriate SimpleModule for each
>>> version.
>>> For IoEdgeTest the same needs to happen somehow. Currently I have only
>>> one
>>> default V3 SimpleModule same as TinkerGraph. I have written a V2
>>> SimpleModule but how in IoEdgeTest will the correct IoRegistry or
>>> SimpleModule be selected? The test itself does not call addCustomModule()
>>> and between the builders, mappers, registries and modules I don't see how
>>> to add it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pieter
>>> On 05/09/2017 16:30, Stephen Mallette wrote:
>>> You have registries for each version as well and default to v3. Please
>>>> see
>>>> TinkerGraph:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/blob/master/tinkergraph-
>>>> gremlin/src/main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/
>>>> tinkergraph/structure/TinkerGraph.java#L198
>>>> If the user wants to override that then that's their choice, but they
>>>> have
>>>> to rig it all up. We probably need a better system than this. IO is way
>>>> too
>>>> complicated and confusing.
>>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 9:52 AM, pieter gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Afraid I still don't quite get it. How do I register the different
>>>>> SimpleModules depending on the version.
>>>>> Currently it starts in SqlgGraph,
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> public <I extends Io> I io(final Io.Builder<I> builder) {
>>>>>       return (I) builder.graph(this).onMapper(mapper ->
>>>>> mapper.addRegistry(SqlgIoRegistry.getInstance())).create();
>>>>> }
>>>>> and the SqlgIoRegistry registers the SimpleModule
>>>>> private SqlgIoRegistry() {
>>>>>       final SqlgSimpleModule sqlgSimpleModule = new SqlgSimpleModule();
>>>>>       register(GraphSONIo.class, null, sqlgSimpleModule);
>>>>>       register(GryoIo.class, RecordId.class, null);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Is the SqlgGraph.io(...) method suppose to interrogate the builder to
>>>>> check the version and add a corresponding IoRegistry and SimpleModule?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Pieter
>>>>> On 05/09/2017 13:30, Stephen Mallette wrote:
>>>>> I think you should just create a new SimpleModule for each version -
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> try to put them in the same SqlgSimpleModule. It's a naming convention
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> users will have to follow rather than something explicitly enforced
>>>>>> through
>>>>>> code.
>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 3:20 PM, pieter gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am getting IO tests failures on 3.3.0.
>>>>>>> Sqlg has a SimpleModule which add serializers for its custom id.
>>>>>>>        SqlgSimpleModule() {
>>>>>>>            super("custom");
>>>>>>> //        addSerializer(RecordId.class, new
>>>>>>> RecordId.RecordIdJacksonSerial
>>>>>>> izerV2d0());
>>>>>>> //        addDeserializer(RecordId.class, new
>>>>>>> RecordId.RecordIdJacksonDeserializerV2d0());
>>>>>>> //        addSerializer(SchemaTable.class, new
>>>>>>> SchemaTable.SchemaTableIdJacksonSerializerV2d0());
>>>>>>> //        addDeserializer(SchemaTable.class, new
>>>>>>> SchemaTable.SchemaTableIdJacksonDeserializerV2d0());
>>>>>>>            addSerializer(RecordId.class, new
>>>>>>> RecordId.RecordIdJacksonSerial
>>>>>>> izerV3d0());
>>>>>>>            addDeserializer(RecordId.class, new
>>>>>>> RecordId.RecordIdJacksonDeseri
>>>>>>> alizerV3d0());
>>>>>>>            addSerializer(SchemaTable.class, new
>>>>>>> SchemaTable.SchemaTableJacksonSerializerV3d0());
>>>>>>>            addDeserializer(SchemaTable.class, new
>>>>>>> SchemaTable.SchemaTableJacksonDeserializerV3d0());
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>> How is it suppose to distinguish between v2 and v3?
>>>>>>> An example of a failure is 'IoEdgeTest.shouldReadWriteEdge'
>>>>>>> If ...V2d0.. is added to the serializers then 'graphson-v3' fails.
>>>>>>> If ...V3d0.. is added to the serializers then 'graphson-v2' fails.
>>>>>>> TinkerPop's own CustomId tests do not rely on default behavior and
>>>>>>> manually creates SimpleModules for each scenario.
>>>>>>> Are they both suppose to work somehow?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Pieter

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