I'm going to assume lazy consensus on the general points of this proposal
as its been a few days now since I originally posted it. I will try to
document the general aspects of what was presented here in the dev docs and
will post back here when I've done so.  I think we can take this discussion
in two separate directions at this point one for the release notes changes
and one for the web site (probably new email threads i guess). I don't
think we need to try to force any of this in for the current release that
we're dealing with. In fact I'll probably make the dev doc changes in a
branch so that they don't go in as part of this release.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 11:59 AM Stephen Mallette <spmalle...@gmail.com>

> There has been some discussion within the PMC over the last month or so
> about how to recognize the various contributors to Apache TinkerPop. We
> currently have this:
> http://tinkerpop.apache.org/#committers
> but we think some changes should occur. First, we would like to better
> recognize the list of folks who contributed during a particular release
> period to include:
> 1. git contributions for a release will be aggregated and presented in the
> release notes.
> 2. non-code contributions to a release will be added and presented in the
> release notes.
> I don't know if "release notes" means CHANGELOG or Upgrade Docs or
> something else - I suppose that remains up for discussion. The issue is
> more about capturing these contributions better on a per-release basis.
> Second, we expect to modify the website in that space given in the link
> above - rather than have it read "Apache TinkerPop Committers" it will
> instead be "Apache TinkerPop Contributors" and it will include both
> official committers as well as "Friends of the TinkerPop" (working
> title...suggest something better??).
> For the committers section, individuals can keep this information up to
> date themselves (because they have access to the git repository), but we
> will ask for a bio update from each person every 6 months via email with a
> request to indicate an "active" or "inactive" status. If you are "inactive"
> it simply means that you aren't currently participating in the project.
> Irrespective of being active or inactive, your name and tenure
> accomplishments remain present on the front page of the web site. Being
> "inactive" does not affect your status as an Apache committer/PMC member -
> that remains unchanged. Should you decide that you are inactive at some
> point, note that there is no special process to become "active" again - you
> just have to update your bio to do so. The format of the committer section
> would be basically the same as it is now but would have active and inactive
> sections, sorted by date of TinkerPop commitership (or membership in the
> pre-Apache days), as they are now.
> The new "Friends of the TinkerPop" section will be a listing of those
> people who have promoted the project in some positive capacity (e.g.
> developed a third-party library that has some good benefit to the
> community) but aren't committers/pmc members.
> There's still a fair bit to sort out in terms of how this will be
> implemented, but these are the general big picture items. Please let us
> know what you think and then we can drive into details.
> .

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