
Java/JSP and Tomcat for german hoster is a very bad story. For two year we start a tomcat 5.0 based spezial tomcat distibution for hosting. The Centaurus Platform has show that effectiv hosting is possible. Problem is to find hoster that use that package. Look at http://centaurus.sourceforge.net/ and see that we have create a very cool tomcat bundle.

Centaurus features:

Used a patched tomcat 5.0.27
full graphical and console installer package for LINUX/Windows
        You can have multiple installation profiles
Very nice html admin/manager console for one instance
Loading new Security Policy on demand without downtime
every webapp can register there own policy part (admin can control this integration with rules)
Integrate new host from templates without downtime
Native Iintegration at os services with Java Service Wrapper
Plugin concept for people to extends tomcat core functionality
use of Mx4J Http adaptor with authorisation for remote control.

At cvs head exist a not final tomcat 5.5 version.

- Documentation only exist in german language.

Am 06.04.2006 um 23:48 schrieb Leon Rosenberg:

On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Define "lightweight". :)

only the basics you need for a webapp. no admin/manager, no
clustering, no gadgets.
To explain it:
Besides large portals with own server farms and millions of hits, I
often have small customers which get a dynamical website with some cms
etc. The problem I had and still have, is that typical hosting
providers (at least in germany) don't offer any support for java
webapps, best you can get is support for jsps only which sucks. This
is ugly, since the customer pays money for the webapp and asks me
afterwards, why should he rent a complete server to host it. Therefore
I started to rent servers myself, and re-rent it to the customer. The
customer gets the complete package, mail, backup, ftp/ssh access and
the webapp. To ensure this, each server has an apache running with two
jsp container instances on it, one for production, one for testing
versions. The customer pays less than he would pay for "professional"
hosting, and I can refinance the server with 3-4 customers. However,
having all test-webapps in one server, and needing to restart it from
time to time isn't really cool. I'd prefer to give each customer two
instances, which consumes low resources, maybe even multiple tomcat
instances in one jvm (is that possible?), and keep them independent
from each other. Therefore lightweight. And therefore pre-configured


If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
utilization, this might be a good solution. In fact this is similar in
resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.

For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the average
utilization is low. In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per user is
somewhat expensive.

Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using a fork() of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the real
memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).

Depends on what target you are trying to hit. The hosting world (by numbers
of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
Java/Tomcat hosting? If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in performance and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling solution. If you
are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of hosting

Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does not do copy-on-write with fork(). This was a big deal back in the late 1980's (big Lisp apps forking "vi"). Don't know if this made it's way into Linux. I'm pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know about

On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight but own


On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, that is one definition of "real applications". There are other
definitions.  :)

On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:

You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running
threads. Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
(whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is
debatable).  The
isn't going to be optimizing code.

The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork (). So
not going to work at all for real applications since your application
"returns" to it's previous state after every request.

Bye, Tino.

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