On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 7:36 AM Adam Rauch <a...@labkey.com> wrote:

> I've watched with great interest the recent list discussions surrounding
> javax -> jakarta renaming and the draft release numbering plan. I'm
> curious: Would the Tomcat team consider making a Tomcat release that
> supports BOTH the javax and jakarta package names?

If you've read the discussions, then you can see the current plan is to
provide a deployment tool.

So as you can see in the plan, we will have a 9.x release branch for
javax.* supported "forever", and branches for jakarta.* support moving
forward (including a tool for javax.* -> jakarta.* conversion).

Now, there's no plan *right now* for a Tomcat which allows Frankenstein
webapps. Personally, I think there will always be problems, and that it's a
good time at some point to kill off the long deprecated and unsupported EE
libraries that are still out there. If unintrusive classloader magic can
happen easily, then why not I guess.

Other Apache projects like TomEE and Meecrowave have the exact same "need",
and most likely all will use the same code for that javax.* -> jakarta.*


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