Before I answer, let me first ask a question: What's wrong withg my suggestion? Or even better: use the encoding done with mod_proxy_ajp?

Original URI:


JkMount /myapp/*

Apache httpd will correctly decode the URI to


mod_jk does map it *correctly* to /myapp and forwards it to Tomcat.

It does not IMO, and that's what I'm talking.
Inside mod_jk we should decode
/myapp/%2e%2e/otherapp/danger to

No, If the original URI was /myapp/%252e%252e/otherapp/danger, then it is not correct to end up with /otherapp/danger as a decoded URL. A percent sign is a valid character in a ressource path. If one wants to use it in ressource paths, one needs to encode it ('%25'), and it is not allowed to decode '%25XX' again after decoding to '%XX' once.

So %252e -> %2e and that's it, no further decoding. It is not a '.', because it is decoded already.

Why do you think, that


is equivalent to

/myapp/../otherapp/danger ?

Do a normalization of the uri that will end up as
/otherapp/danger before hitting map_uri_to_worker
If there is no JkMount for /otherapp/ it will be
denied, if it is, the rewritten uri /otherapp/danger
will be send instead /myapp/%2e%2e/otherapp/danger.
Of course we can simply send /myapp/%2e%2e/otherapp/danger
to tomcat if the match is OK for /otherapp/,
and let the tomcat do a normalization once again.

As I said, double decoding ("again") is not allowed and is the source of all evil.

In that case we won't need to encode the normalized
uri inside mod_jk once more.

I'm sure we need to, because double encoding is not allowed, but Tomcat unfortunately does a second decoding.

Some evidence:

0) RFC 2396, RFC 3986

Section 2.4.2. When to Escape and Unescape:

"Implementers should be careful not to
   escape or unescape the same string more than once, since unescaping
   an already unescaped string might lead to misinterpreting a percent
   data character as another escaped character, or vice versa in the
   case of escaping an already escaped string."

and even stricter the younger

2.4. When to Encode or Decode

"Implementations must not
   percent-encode or decode the same string more than once, as decoding
   an already decoded string might lead to misinterpreting a percent
   data octet as the beginning of a percent-encoding, or vice versa in
   the case of percent-encoding an already percent-encoded string."

1) IIS Bug

which leads to

"What's wrong with the decoding operation?
There's nothing wrong with the decoding operation per se. The vulnerability results because, through an implementation flaw, the decoding operation is performed a second time, after the security checks on the request have been completed."

2) mod_security Bug

"BUG Fixed a double URL-decoding bug (Apache first, then us), which
    could sometimes lead to a false positive."

3) DAV Bugs

"The following bugs should have gone:

    * [ 1519718 ] davfs2 fails to properly decode complex escape sequences
    * [ 1522903 ] chokes on directory names containing ' _ % characters
    * [ 1539444 ] mounting of webdav drive fails
    * [ 1539445 ] unable to access files in mounted webdav drive
    * [ 1558525 ] davfs2-1.0.2_p20060820 mount fails

These bugs were related to ... and incorrect double url-decoding of urls."



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