Rainer Jung wrote:
Hi Mladen,

I don't full yunderstand this fix. From your other mail i though it's a regression, but the code in this region is the same at least since 1.2.18 (more than a year). So I have the impression, that this is not a regression.

You can try 1.2.23 (it works). 1.2.24 doesn't. With patch it works again.
I'm not sure if the patch is correct, because it might be that
request_rec->sent_bodyct flag is setup differently in 1.2.24

If so, I would prefer to not push 1.2.25 through with very high speed, i.e. 1.2.24 would still be pretty useful as an update.

But it doesn't work.
You can try 1.2.23 with Tomcat manager app. The browser displays login
window for username/password. 1.2.24 displays 401 page from Apache.


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