Update: The problem seems to be coming from a global change of AS400 defines, which unintentionally also hit two ifndefs, which were transformed into ifdefs. As a result, we didn't flush any more, so small responses were not flushed before we came to the line checking sent_bodyct. That way the whole response got replaced by the apache error page.

Important: as far as I can see, this should not have introduced a problem with Apache 1.3. I didn't yet test, but if there is a problem with 401 for Apache 1.3, then there is also another cause we have to look for. I'll test but wanted to quickly give an information update.

And: In case we receive an empty body from Tomcat and an error status code (>=400), we still throw away the response and let Apache generate a new one. More precisely this means, that we throw away all the headers. In the 401 case, this way we detected the original problem. I'm not sure, if we should really let Apache generate a new local error page including headers, if we get an http error code with empty body.

We could also just  pass the response with empty body back to the client.

In fact I was thinking earlier about giving people the chance to decide, if they want their error pages coming from apache or from Tomcat. This is too complex for a fast fix (as we can see from the 401 example), but I think some more thinking after fixing the actual issue would be good.



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