Costin Manolache wrote:
> What I see as a problem is not involving the community in the decision
> making about basic features.
> Let's make it clear - adding new features or replacing/improving any
> component in tomcat
> should stay CTR and should be encouraged and supported. Anyone can create
> Valves, Connectors,
> Jndi implementations, class loaders or almost anything else that can be
> plugged into tomcat
> via config file - and a change to add more hook points shouldn't be hard to
> get in.
> However - for new features that want to be bundled with tomcat, or for
> important or
> controversial changes ( defined as 'no consensus' - and one person in
> disagreement means
> no consensus ) - a majority vote should resolve the question and avoid any
> personal or one-on-one fights.
> Consensus is simple to determine - and so is lack of consensus for any
> feature. If Remy and Filip
> ( and all other committers who care about something ) are in consensus -
> done. If there is
> doubt - involving and asking more people seems the right solution.


> I think it is a big mistake to use the sandbox as a way to avoid
> confrontation -  or to waste time
> debating subjective things like what is better among 2 not-so-obviously bad
> solutions ( which is
> what causes most hurt feelings ). Implement any feature  you want in a
> module, pack it as a jar
>  with instructions on how to use it, get 3 +1s to release it - and after it
> gets some testing and
> traction - request it to be part of standard distro or the default
> JNDI/Connector/ClassLoader/etc.
>  Easy, no conflicts needed, good for both tomcat and the feature itself. If
> someone else can
> implement it in a better way - new vote will get the other one.

Well said, all the way around.



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