Jim Jagielski wrote:
On Sep 19, 2007, at 10:28 PM, Bill Barker wrote:

And, yet again, Filip chooses to question the validity of the vote, instead
of discussing ideas :(.

How can one vote when the details of what one is voting for
are still being discussed? Or, on the other hand, why call

There is "draft" written in the subject of the email.

for a (premature) vote if one still wants to have a discussion
about ideas?

This has been under discussion for weeks, I would say it is time to wrap things up at some point.

Quite frankly, the 2 normal methods of doing code development
are seen as bad for the following reasons:

  1. CTR:
     Seen as bad because it allows for someone to go off
     on their own tangent.
     How it really works: Anyone committing code during this
     process must be aware that a later-on review of the
     patch may require it to be either patched, substantially
     modified or removed all together. If the patch has
     far reaching effects, it would be best to, before
     applying, discussing it on dev@ and achieving some sort
     of consensus (even lazy) that you aren't wasting your
     time. But you must be prepared to, worse case, back it
     out if need be. This implies, of course, that the rationale
     for the veto is justifiably technical, with a technical
     and objective basis. Enables faster development on a
     community codebase.

Yes, but the only thing that really happens is a flame war to debate if the veto (which is a far too broad and absolute tool for review) is valid. So maybe it works in some situations, but at this point I don't see how a generic gentler review mechanism would hurt.

  2. RTC:
     Seen as bad because it slows development down.

Actually, nobody mentions this anymore. The only remaining specific "issue" that was mentioned is being able to block a particular change. As far as I am concerned, this is not any different from a veto, except that more people would have to review something negatively to block things up.

     How it really works: Avoids the possible huge disruption
     when a patch needs to be reversed. Ensures sufficient
     community acceptance of implementation and patch to
     justify the effort in creating it. Ensures stable
     branch remains stable.

If there was a better underlying feeling of trust here, as
well as concerted effort to make development communal as well
as not abuse the veto power, then a lot of this discussion
and crafting of hybrid development methods with explicit
rules would likely not be required.

This is true. For starters, as I stated on the PMC list, I think that one person should not remain as a committer (and I will obviously ignore all his posts until further notice). There's also a general behavior of not discussing fairly significant changes before committing (even on release branches). If general good behavior rules and processes were not needed, the ASF would have none and rely exclusively on good will. It's obviously not the case, and we're here discussing a review model to better address the project's specific needs.


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