> Well, adding OSGI-compatible manifests to the existing jars is not
>  that intrusive,
>  and could be easily done in the trunk. AFAIK an Activator is not required - 
> i.e.
>  if you don't need the BundleContext or to add services, you can have a bundle
>  that just imports/exports packages.
>  I agree with Remy that any 'intrusive' part of OSGI should be avoided
>  and certainly
>  not be done in trunk - changing existing packaging shouldn't be done
>  just because
>  OSGI requires a separate bundle for API and impl.
>  Now - the really interesting part is not how to package tomcat to be
>  used inside OSGI,
>  but how to have tomcat use OSGI modules ( and package webaps as bundles ), 
> and
>  how to do this in a non-intrusive way. It looks like felix has a
>  'programmatic'/embedded
>  mode, it would be interesting to see if it can be used, so all
>  configuration stays inside
>  web.xml/server.xml.
>  Costin

Silly question, but did experiments with OSGI could be done, first, in
tomcatlight ?

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