On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Henri Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First define 'mavenizing' please :-)
>  Yes
>  >  If you mean exporting tomcat components in maven repository - fine with 
> me.
>  It's allready done (by hand) ?
>  >  If you mean building tomcat with maven instead of ant - the opposite,
>  >  absolutely not fine.
>  it was the idea.

Sorry, -1 from me ( again ).

>  >  Maintaining a separate maven build file - unofficial, i.e. the default
>  >  build instructions still point to ant - maybe.
>  To modularise we should use modules layout ie :
>  pom.xml
>  -- catalina
>     pom.xml

>  So some changes in the actual source layout.

And that would be the reason for -1.
If a build system requires intrusive changes and forces a particular code
organization - it shouldn't be used.

>  Could you comment why maven is not the welcome here, ASF JackRabbit or
>  ApacheDS are pretty large projects and allready use it.

It is a choice each project can make, some people  like intrusive tools :-)

I think it is great to have alternative build files - as long as the
build system plays
nicely with others and doesn't set conditions on how we should organize code.
In particular - we have eclipse build support, it would be great to
add idea/netbeans
if anyone can support them - and if you can add maven in the same way ( i.e.
just maven files in a separate dir, without changes to source layout
just because
maven needs them) - no problem with me.


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