hi Henri,

Henri Gomez wrote:
So nobody object for some experimentation around mavenizing Tomcat 6 ?
no one can object what you do on your own time. It's your given right.
However, if you look at the previous discussions around the Maven topic, you will see it is highly unlikely that the Tomcat community as it is today will adapt Maven anytime soon, if ever. No one has yet produced a viable reason for us to do so, and the OSGi-fying features of Maven, are not good at all, and one can produce a much better and cleaner manifest manually or simple package scanners with tools like jarjar.

Of course no commit just testing on my own eclipse/m2 workspace.

2008/4/23 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Henri Gomez wrote:

 I'm not sure it's the best idea, my goal is to move it out of sandbox,
 it already has enough experiments
 that need completion. and the main goal is to be 'lite' :-). It has a
 simple Addon mechanism, and I don't mind
 having an optional addon manager impl using OSGI - but I don't want to
 get distracted, I started
 tomcat-lite  experiment >2 years ago.

Yep, time to stabilize

 The first part ( adding manifests to existing tomcat ) seems to have
 support so could be done in the trunk.

And no consequences outside OSGI world

 I don't see any reason for having non-intrusive OSGI support developed
 in sandbox - as long
 as the code is in a package that is excluded from the official distro,
 and is released as a separate
 unit it could live in trunk.  It'll need the 3 +1 to be released, of
 course - but the whole point of
 modularity is to be able to develop modules independent of the

 IMO sandbox is for experiments that would replace existing tomcat
 components or core stuff. If you do it in
 trunk - it's easier to get it released eventually, and you may get
 better reviews and attention.


I'll try to spend some time on mavenize tomcatlight first and how it
could be done then for tomcat trunk.

 LOL, ouch, you just opened up the can of worms we thought we put a lid on
:) he he
 basically, Tomcat 6 is mavenized, and we publish the individual JARs to ASF
Maven repo.

Next how to OSGIfy the mavenized tomcats, experiences and advices welcomed
 my feeling is though, is that you are going for the "mavenization" just to
run the BND or BNE or whatever the plugin is called, that generates the OSGi
 having personally done that, I can say that it simply doesn't work. IT
works in most cases, but not in Tomcat, and even in the cases it works, the
output it produces into the manifest file is completely useless to the human
eye. the amount of stuff it exports and imports is insane, in in most cases
irrelevant to the data you actually wanna export/import

 that's why I posted my combined version of the Export/Import, nice and
clean, when/if we do it on a per jar basis, I would hope we aim to produce
the same quality data as the example I showed.


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