Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
> Cleaned up and fixed.
> The release is located here:
> <ballot>
> [ ] STABLE - I couldn't find any bugs
> [ ] BETA   - I found some bugs but not critical
> [X] BROKEN - I found some show stoppers
> </ballot>

As Sebb has been trying to tell you, the contents of the NOTICE file is
wrong. It does not contain the standard ASF attribution.

I'm not sure about adding your personal copyright statement to the
NOTICE file. It raises a number of issues:
1. I'm not sure it is legally correct.
2. It makes this look like your personal release rather than an ASF release.
3. Whilst you have made the largest contribution others have made small
contributions as well. You appear to be ignoring that contribution,
however minor.
All of these concerns would be alleviated by removing that line.

Source and binary distributions must be completely separate.

The source distribution is far from complete. It is missing:
- build scripts
- documentation (including LICENSE and NOTICE)

It should be possible to build the binary from *only* the source
distribution. This is not possible as the source jar contains only .java

Generally, I would expect the source distribution to be identical to the
result of doing an svn export of the source.


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